How You Can Install Your Own Concrete Floors Using Materials from Concrete Companies
Concrete floors are trending these days. Not only do they look great, but they’re incredibly durable easy to clean and maintain. And best of all, concrete is an affordable flooring option, especially if you install the concrete yourself. So, if you’re into DIY home renovations and would like to install your own stylish concrete floor, contact your local concrete companies for materials and follow these steps.
Basement Floors
Concrete basement floors usually require more work than other areas in your home, especially if you plan to remove old flooring and excavate before installing the concrete.
Preparing the Basement Floor
- Cut and pull up carpet (if applicable);
- Remove baseboards and floor boards with a pry bar;
- Mark the required floor height with chalk;
- Excavate the floor using a shovel to the desired depth;
- Create chalk lines to indicate infill layers;
- Fill with crushed stone to the right marked level;
- Use a rammer or tamper to even out the crushed stone;
- Cover with sand up to the next guideline;
- Move a shovel in a circular motion to even out the sand;
- Lay a 6-mil sheet plastic on top of the sand;
- Bring the edges of the sheet plastic up the wall above the finished floor level and tape to the wall;
- Lay insulation board on top of the sand and membrane, cutting to fit;
- Cut 4-inch-width pieces of insulation board and lay around edges of the room.
Pouring the Concrete
- Mix the concrete with water in a bucket or wheelbarrow according to the instructions;
- Start at the wall farthest from the door and work backwards;
- Shovel the concrete over the floor;
- Use a straight-edged plank to scrape and level the top of the concrete, referring to the top edge of insulation board to use as a guide for the required level;
- Use a trowel to fill in gaps and indentations—going over as many times as needed;
- With a plastering trowel, smooth out rough areas up to the insulation foam;
- Allow concrete to set for two to three days;
- Place furring strips on the dry concrete;
- Install a top layer of concrete;
- Level to the top of the furring strips;
- Remove the furring strips;
- Fill the gaps;
- Use a float to level the surface, working along the edges and backwards towards the door;
- Allow to set for two to three days.
Other Floors
- Dust, sweep, and clean subfloors before installing concrete;
- Put down a layer of burlap cloth on the subfloor;
- Pour the concrete mix into a bucket, add the amount of water recommended in the ready mix instructions, and mix with a large spoon;
- To be safe, you can add a bit of water at a time and stir until it develops the texture of thin pancake batter;
- After mixing, allow to set for one minute. Then pour the concrete onto an area of the floor and spread it with a trowel;
- Apply in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry first;
- Before applying the next layer, use a putty knife to remove any pieces of concrete sticking out, lightly sand the whole floor, and then sweep;
- Apply several thin layers, to your preference, and top with one thick layer;
- Finish with a concrete stain for added colour and texture.
With these DIY tips, you can install your very own concrete floor without spending a fortune. Contact your local concrete companies for advice on which type of concrete to use and how much you will need, depending on your floor’s surface area. Once you have your materials, you can start on this trendy and transformative home renovation project.